Work From Cafe|在咖啡店裡工作 手工香薰線香
店主很喜歡飲咖啡,無論是手沖、Espresso、奶啡都喜歡飲,飲飲下就走去買豆回來自己沖來飲,在Cafe坐多過在家中坐。由於這個關係,一直都很希望可以搬 Cafe 裡不同咖啡的香味回家。這款手工線香採用了跟 Work From Cafe 蠟燭同款的氣味,混合了檀木的香味,除像平時一打開Cafe門口的氣味。 更多了一份令人紓緩壓力,調整思緒的氛圍。
We really loves drinking coffee. Whether it's pour-over, espresso, or lattes, We enjoy them all. They prefer drinking coffee at the café rather than at home, so We often buy beans to brew at home. Because of this, We always wished we could bring the different coffee aromas from the café back home. This handmade incense uses the same scent as the "Work From Cafe" candle, mixed with the powder of sandalwood, recreating the aroma of walking into the café. It also adds a calming atmosphere, helping to relieve stress and clear the mind.
店主很喜歡飲咖啡,無論是手沖、Espresso、奶啡都喜歡飲,飲飲下就走去買豆回來自己沖來飲,在Cafe坐多過在家中坐。由於這個關係,一直都很希望可以搬 Cafe 裡不同咖啡的香味回家。這款手工線香採用了跟 Work From Cafe 蠟燭同款的氣味,混合了檀木的香味,除像平時一打開Cafe門口的氣味。 更多了一份令人紓緩壓力,調整思緒的氛圍。
We really loves drinking coffee. Whether it's pour-over, espresso, or lattes, We enjoy them all. They prefer drinking coffee at the café rather than at home, so We often buy beans to brew at home. Because of this, We always wished we could bring the different coffee aromas from the café back home. This handmade incense uses the same scent as the "Work From Cafe" candle, mixed with the powder of sandalwood, recreating the aroma of walking into the café. It also adds a calming atmosphere, helping to relieve stress and clear the mind.