Unscented | 無香味 室內除臭蠟燭
Unscented | 無香味 室內除臭蠟燭
Unscented | 無香味 室內除臭蠟燭

Unscented | 無香味 室內除臭蠟燭

Regular price $20.00 $35.00 Unit price per
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Product Description

這是一個無味版本的OdorSentry 系列蠟燭,適合想去除異味但又不想有其他氣味的用家。 


甚麼是 OdorSentry 系列? 

有別於一般用香味掩蓋難聞的氣味,OdorSentry 系列的蠟燭加入了美國專利除臭配方,當蠟燭燃燒時會將除臭分子會散發於空間之中,會與發出惡臭的分子結合,從而令其散發臭味的特性失效,臭味分子被中和後會隨時間下沉並蒸發。

OdorSentry 系列對以下的臭味特別有效:



This is an unscented version of the OdorSentry collection candles, perfect for those who want to eliminate odors without adding any additional fragrances.


What is the OdorSentry Collection?

Unlike regular candles that simply mask unpleasant odors with fragrances, the OdorSentry Series candles are formulated with a patented deodorizing formula from the United States. When these candles burn, they release deodorizing molecules into the air, which then bond with the molecules responsible for producing unpleasant odors. This neutralizes the characteristics of the odor-causing molecules, causing them to lose their ability to emit odors, and eventually sink and evaporate over time.


The OdorSentry Series is particularly effective against the following odors: Smoke, post-barbecue smoke, cooking fumes, musty odors from mold, vomit smells, bathroom and toilet odors, odors from decomposing garbage, fishy smells, and more.

Product Details

甚麼是 OdorSentry 系列? 

有別於一般用香味掩蓋難聞的氣味,OdorSentry 系列的蠟燭加入了美國專利除臭配方,當蠟燭燃燒時會將除臭分子會散發於空間之中,會與發出惡臭的分子結合,從而令其散發臭味的特性失效,臭味分子被中和後會隨時間下沉並蒸發。


OdorSentry 系列對以下的臭味特別有效: 煙味、燒烤後的煙味、油煙味、由黴菌產生的霉味、嘔吐物的臭味、排洩物及廁所的臭味、分解中的垃圾發出的氣味、魚腥味等等。


What is the OdorSentry Collection?

Unlike regular candles that simply mask unpleasant odors with fragrances, the OdorSentry Series candles are formulated with a patented deodorizing formula from the United States. When these candles burn, they release deodorizing molecules into the air, which then bond with the molecules responsible for producing unpleasant odors. This neutralizes the characteristics of the odor-causing molecules, causing them to lose their ability to emit odors, and eventually sink and evaporate over time.


The OdorSentry Series is particularly effective against the following odors: Smoke, post-barbecue smoke, cooking fumes, musty odors from mold, vomit smells, bathroom and toilet odors, odors from decomposing garbage, fishy smells, and more.

How Does It Work



To achieve the best results and avoid the candle from sinking in the center, please burn until the surface of the candle is completely melted.