Work From Cafe|在咖啡店裡工作 手工香薰蠟燭
店主很喜歡飲咖啡,無論是手沖、Espresso、奶啡都喜歡飲,飲飲下就走去買豆回來自己沖來飲,在Cafe坐多過在家中坐。由於這個關係,一直都很希望可以搬 Cafe 裡不同咖啡的香味回家,所以第一個香薰蠟燭就以咖啡為主題。 適合喜歡Cafe 氣味的朋友,這款香薰蠟燭混合了黑咖啡,奶啡,咖啡豆的氣味,像平時一打開Cafe門口的氣味。 讓各位 Work From Home 的你都可以在家中感受 Cafe 的氣味同氣氛。
We love to drink coffee, whether it's pour-over, espresso, or latte, and enjoys buying beans and making coffee at home. Because of this, we have always wanted to bring the different scents of coffee from cafes into home, so the first scented candle was themed around coffee. This scented candle is suitable for friends who love the scent of cafes. It combines the scents of black coffee, latte, and coffee beans, just like the smell when you open the door of a cafe.
店主很喜歡飲咖啡,無論是手沖、Espresso、奶啡都喜歡飲,飲飲下就走去買豆回來自己沖來飲,在Cafe坐多過在家中坐。由於這個關係,一直都很希望可以搬 Cafe 裡不同咖啡的香味回家,所以第一個香薰蠟燭就以咖啡為主題。 適合喜歡Cafe 氣味的朋友,這款香薰蠟燭混合了黑咖啡,奶啡,咖啡豆的氣味,像平時一打開Cafe門口的氣味。 讓各位 Work From Home 的你都可以在家中感受 Cafe 的氣味同氣氛。
We love to drink coffee, whether it's pour-over, espresso, or latte, and enjoys buying beans and making coffee at home. Because of this, we have always wanted to bring the different scents of coffee from cafes into home, so the first scented candle was themed around coffee. This scented candle is suitable for friends who love the scent of cafes. It combines the scents of black coffee, latte, and coffee beans, just like the smell when you open the door of a cafe.
Size |
Small (100g), Standard (140g), Large (260g) |