Worse Than Hoi Ting | 壞過凱婷 手工香氛蠟燭
以前讀書時 MK 文化十分普及,到現時MK仔/女已經近乎絕跡,再見不到眾人揹着Gucci袋地圖袋Adidas鞋集合的相片。為了紀念一下這個已經消失的香港地道文化,我們特意將 <壞過凱婷> 變成一種氣味,亦特別邀請了插畫師 @maidream0304 為今次的氣味製作罐身封面,用特別的畫風將MK文化呈現出來。
In the past, MK culture was very popular among students, but now MK fans are almost extinct. To commemorate this disappearing authentic culture, we have decided to turn "Bad Girl Hoi Ting" into a fragrance and invited @maidream0304 to create a cover for this scent, using a unique style to present the MK culture.
I believe everyone is familiar with Hoi Ting, and this fragrance will imitate the smell of tobacco. We have also added mint and eucalyptus scents, following the practice of adding mint to tobacco products in the market to make it more user-friendly. The scent is comfortable and not overwhelming. Of course, we have not added any ingredients of actual cigarettes, so you can rest assured that it is not really tobacco 👍🏿
Finally, we would like to remind everyone that smoking is not good for the body. If you want to experience the "Bad Girl Hoi Ting" without smoking two cigarettes, just buying two cans of this fragrance is enough to be bad.
以前讀書時 MK 文化十分普及,到現時MK仔/女已經近乎絕跡,再見不到眾人揹着Gucci袋地圖袋Adidas鞋集合的相片。為了紀念一下這個已經消失的香港地道文化,我們特意將 <壞過凱婷> 變成一種氣味,亦特別邀請了插畫師 @maidream0304 為今次的氣味製作罐身封面,用特別的畫風將MK文化呈現出來。
In the past, MK culture was very popular among students, but now MK fans are almost extinct. To commemorate this disappearing authentic culture, we have decided to turn "Bad Girl Hoi Ting" into a fragrance and invited @maidream0304 to create a cover for this scent, using a unique style to present the MK culture.
I believe everyone is familiar with Hoi Ting, and this fragrance will imitate the smell of tobacco. We have also added mint and eucalyptus scents, following the practice of adding mint to tobacco products in the market to make it more user-friendly. The scent is comfortable and not overwhelming. Of course, we have not added any ingredients of actual cigarettes, so you can rest assured that it is not really tobacco 👍🏿
Finally, we would like to remind everyone that smoking is not good for the body. If you want to experience the "Bad Girl Hoi Ting" without smoking two cigarettes, just buying two cans of this fragrance is enough to be bad.
大小 |
Small (100g 銀罐), Standard (140g 玫瑰金罐) |